Gathering Wisdom for a Shared Journey VIII
Learning from the Past Planning for the Future
November 30 - December 2, 2016
Sheraton Wall Centre
The theme of Gathering Wisdom for a Shared Journey (GWSJ) VIII was “Learning from the Past and Planning for the Future”. The theme recognizes that the social determinants of health are not a new concept to Indigenous peoples. Each Nation has stories, teachings and traditions that speak to a holistic concept of health – a concept that reflects the connection between physical, mental, spiritual and emotional dimensions of wellbeing. It is important to reflect on these teachings, values and traditions in charting the course for the next step of this health journey
Downloads & Resources
Speakers & Presentations
Dr. Perry Kendall and Dr. Evan Adams
Establishing First Nations Health & Wellness Indicators for the Next 10 Years
Richard J.M. Fyfe, Deputy Attorney General and Mark Sieben, Deputy Solicitor General
Government of British Columbia Justice and Public Safety Sector
Ministry of Health
Implementing the Memorandum of Understanding: A Shared Agenda for Health and Wellness
Ministry of Children & Family Development
Regional Health Caucus Sessions Summary